VLAWMO recently collaborated with the Minnesota Erosion Control Association (MECA), and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to provide an all-day training event for local MS4 permit holders, and service providers. The training was held on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 from 8:30-4:00pm at the Vadnais Heights Commons. This was one of 6 events the MPCA is sponsoring across the State in 2014 to assist with compliance of the new TMDL and extended Public Outreach components of the permit. A majority of the 60 attendees were public agency staff (public works, city engineers, city stormwater staff, and city hired consultants).
Providing current and useful education is critical to the performance, maintenance, and longevity of the stormwater conveyance systems being operated by the MS4's within VLAWMO. It also ensures that VLAWMO projects are maintained properly and continue to function as they are designed. Providing our cities with the tools for reducing stormwater pollution quickly, effectively, and fiscally responsibly were the goals of this workshop. All participants received Illicit Discharge and Detection Certification. The event flyer can be found HERE
Feedback from attendee evaluations was very positive. A few highlighted comments of what attendees learned include:
• “Ways to update cities programs with organized and documented procedures.”
• “The means of charging the responsible party for any clean-up of illegal spillage/dumping.”
• “How to notice illegal discharges, code violations, etc. Identify lots of overlooked sources of pollution.”
• “Procedures, ideas for prioritizing for IDDE education, inspections, enforcement. Great forms.”
• “New ways to inform the public to keep materials out of the storm water system.”
• “It gave me info to bring to Public Works and the city that will help plan for MS4 topics/issues.”
• “Learned a lot!”
MPCA and MECA hope to collaborate with VLAWMO for similar MS4/SWPPP trainings in the future.
To learn more about the event, or to schedule a similar event contact: Vanessa