New tools for water monitoring

Introducing... Reed! Reed is the newest addition to VLAWMO's water monitorin
g  program. He is a new automated stormwater sampler equipped to read into  the details of sediment and nutrient loads during a storm event. Reed's efforts will  greatly help VLAWMO pinpoint nutrient loading in streams and lakes.

So how does Reed work? When there's a rainstorm event, he gets help from his friend the flow meter (Flow) to recognize the  increased velocity in a stream. Once activated, Reed begins collecting water samples within minutes.  These first minutes are a crucial "first flush" that contain clues as to what's  happening on the landscape. Reed will then read into such clues as lawn clippings, erosion, animal waste, and other nutrient sources that feed into local lakes and streams. With the ability to identify problem areas, VLAWMO can identify and plan the most influential projects to reduce nutrient loading, which cleans up our lakes and streams. 

Stay tuned for more from Reed!

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